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 Entertainment Archive 2021

HBO Max is helping them the intern get through the embarrassment of sending an integration test email to customers
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 21, 2021

HBO Max went to the Twitter to let everybody know that the company would not be doing one of those “Friday Night Massacre” firings of the individuals responsible for the integration test email going out, last Friday, to HBO Max’s customers.

As y’all can see from the tweet, the them is the intern. And the last time I checked the word intern is singular, not plural, which means the intern should be a she or a he and not a them or a they.

Can y’all say, “Freudian slip?!” Folks, stop for a moment and ask yourselves, “Why is HBO Max helping ‘them through it’ when the ‘intern’ was the only person who put him or herself ‘through it?’”

The answer to the question is that HBO Max is helping “them through it” because the company’s workers have a problem doing simple things like sending emails to the right folks.

Sure, the integration test email worked which is evident by all of the wrong folks who got it and then posted jokes about it on the Twitter.

However, the integration test email working doesn’t undermine the fact that the sending of the integration test email to the right people is not working.

If the folks over at HBO Max can’t do something as simple as send an internal email to the company's workers, then they aren’t going to be able to send the right bill to the right person.

And I’m quite sure there are some of you who’ve already gotten a bill that was in somebody else’s name who none of you put the bill in.

Mm-hmm, y’all better keep up on HBO Max. They have trouble sending stuff.

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